Questions and Answers
We are here to help
We understand that being part of a retreat is a life-changing experience, and that's why many questions might be swirling in your mind. We've compiled a list of frequently asked questions, but if you don't find the answer, please write to us.
What is ayahuasca?
Ayahuasca is prepared by cooking two plants for many hours: the ayahuasca vine (banisteriopsis caapi) and the leaves of Chacruna (psychotria viridis). This is the most common formula, although in different countries, Chacruna can be replaced with other native plants.
What effects does it have?
Ayahuasca induces a state of heightened physical, emotional, and energetic sensitivity where it's common to have visions and profound shifts in thinking and perception of reality. Important memories from the past usually surface, and emotions can emerge more intensely than usual. In this open state, access to deep material from the unconscious becomes possible, allowing for personal work with emotionally charged material that is typically less accessible.
How long do its effects last?
The effects typically start between 30 and 60 minutes and last between 3 and 6 hours, depending greatly on the sensitivity and receptiveness of each person.
The role of vomiting in ayahuasca ceremonies
During the ceremony, vomiting and diarrhea might occur (though not always). These should not be perceived as negative, but rather the opposite. In Amazonian cultures, both are interpreted as "a cleansing process." It's quite common to clearly feel how this purging helps expel emotions and energies from our body, aiding each individual's personal process.
The role of vomiting in ayahuasca ceremonies
During the ceremony, vomiting and diarrhea might occur (though not always). These should not be perceived as negative, but rather the opposite. In Amazonian cultures, both are interpreted as "a cleansing process." It's quite common to clearly feel how this purging helps expel emotions and energies from our body, aiding each individual's personal process.

When NOT to take ayahuasca
Psychological contraindications
Ayahuasca is not recommended for individuals with severe cardiovascular problems, glaucoma, retinal detachment, severe hypertension, recent fractures or surgeries, acute infectious diseases, tuberculosis, epilepsy, seizures, strokes, serious liver, gallbladder, kidney, or pancreas diseases, certain cases of gastric or duodenal ulcer or gastritis (the vomiting effort can worsen intestinal bleeding). It's also not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding individuals, etc.
Psychological contraindications
Ayahuasca is not indicated for people with panic attacks, severe psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia, borderline personality disorder, or bipolar disorder. If the person has a history of severe depression, suicide attempts, or self-harm, it's important to inform about this beforehand.
Pharmacological contraindications
The use of ayahuasca is not recommended in conjunction with antidepressants or monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), drugs or medications that affect the serotonergic system. If the person is taking such drugs, it's important to inform about it in advance.
Incompatible psychoactive substances
Substances like cocaine, amphetamines, or MDMA can negatively interact with ayahuasca, so their combination is not recommended. The effects can lead to hypertensive crises. Cocaine and amphetamines should be stopped at least 72 hours before the ceremony, MDMA at least 96 hours before, and other opioids at least 120 hours before.

Datos info y reservas
40 mins de Madrid
28600, Madrid, España
Horario de retiros
Viernes de 18:00
a Domingos hasta las 15:00